Day 17, Friday, August 7, 2020
Waterfall Stealth Site to Naked Ground
Mile 172.1
Today was like that moment in post-apocalyptic movies when the protagonist realizes she is not the last living human on the planet.
I made contact today.
With human hikers.
Live ones. (As opposed this poor guy).
It became clear early on that I might have company on the trail today. I noticed a boot print in the soft ground. The hard rain last night would have erased any older prints. I knew I was following someone, probably a man judging by the size of the print.
I thought I might see him/them at Whigg Meadow, an open bald with views west toward the Cherohala Skyway. They eluded me, though, until I finally caught up with them at the Unicoi Crest overlook, where a group of four weekenders were drying their gear along the low stone walls as the motorcyclists rumbled by, enjoying the promise of a sunny weekend.
We had a nice, long chat before I tore myself away from the company and pushed on (through more infernal brambles and nettles) past Bob Bald where they planned to camp.
I planned to go on to the Hangover, but decided to stop a mile early when I got to Naked Ground where there was a tentsite with an actual view down to Lake Santeela. I staked my claim not a second too soon. A couple arrived a few minutes later and set up camp near me and for the second time today I found myself in the company of fellow hikers, comparing notes, exchanging trail info, sharing a rare view.
In the night, I could see the moon rise, framed by the trees that framed the view of the lake and the distant mountains.
In the morning, I lay in my tent and watched the sun come up and thought, “This is why I put up with brambles.”