Day 16, Thursday, August 6, 2020
Tellico River Bridge to Waterfall Stealth Site
Mile 159.8
Who knew that endorphins leave the system after two days of rest?
At least I think that’s why everything hurt again today, even though I only hiked 4.4 miles, opting not to press on to the campsite in the open meadow, appealing as a view sounded on this largely viewless trail.
On the bright side, I’m becoming an expert at finding the bright side.
Today there were several:
My campsite next to the cascade was one of the prettiest I’ve had so far.
The rain didn’t start until I’d finished all of my camp chores.
I wasn’t camped in a meadow during the lightning.
I didn’t have to move my tent out of the flood zone.
Oh, and the bright side of all this rain is an abundance of flawless fungi decorating the trail like bunting at a birthday party.