Don't hate on me for this nod to Black Friday, but y'all know I'm addicted to Craftsy. And my moratorium on buying courses flew out the window in less than a week when I found this class by Marc Taro Holmes (No regrets! It's my current fav).
But dang if Craftsy isn't having a Black Friday sale, too. All of their classes are $17.87 through midnight Sunday. ALL OF THEM!!!! If you're looking to increase your sketching skills, here are some that I've found helpful. But I bet you could be tempted by all sorts of things over there.
I wrote Learning to See this week in response to noticing how, since I've started this daily sketching journey, I'm seeing the world differently. Of course, that doesn't mean I'm yet able to capture my vision adequately. I think that's why I keep taking Craftsy classes. Because watercolor is fickle. And, in spite of my moratorium on classes, I'm also looking forward to this upcoming (early 2018) watercolor class by Liz Steel.
I love this BBC series on YouTube...What Do Artists Do All Day?
The name says it all, but take printmaker Norman Akroyd. He was the son of a butcher, but a teacher saw something in him and encouraged him to pursue art. He did. At the prestigious Royal College of Art in England in the 1960's. I love how he stayed true to his love of landscape when, in the 60's, it was wholly unfashionable.
Great series! And it is fun to peek behind the curtains into artist's studios and processes.
I seem to be forever bouncing back and forth between savoring the journey vs. getting where I'm going. I tackled the Journey v. Destination struggle twice this week on the blog, if you missed it here and here.
Includes advice for finding your way in the woods if you get lost and also includes bad sketches.
If you're inspired to start (or resume) your own sketching habit, but you're like me and don't always know what to draw, here is a list of prompts from Every Day Matters (EDM) to get you through the month of December.
And if you like to share and want to be part of the Every Day Matters community, don't forget the hashtags. #sbsAdrawingAday #sketchbookskool
One more thing...I've just created a new Instagram feed where I'm sharing images of my sketching journey. Not many posts, yet, but I'd love for you to follow me @rubythroatsketches. Yay!