Freezer Bag Recipe: Sweet Potato Porridge
I'm a bit of a foodie and picky about what I put on my plate (In my pot?).
Picky enough that eating out isn't a recreational activity we indulge in that often because I generally prefer my own cooking. Food snob!
So it's a given that I'll be preparing many of my own meals and sending them to myself at mail drops along the way.
That said, I've never really had to marry good taste with lightweight ingredients, so I'm in the learning curve of working with dehydrated foods and Freezer Bag Cooking.
So far, no disasters.
Unless you count the fact that I'm starting to look like a doomsday prepper with my gallon tins of dehydrated chicken that will last 10 years.
On the plus side, I learned that you can get powdered wine.
So, there's that.
Anyway, here is my first recipe. It's a little breakfast ditty I composed for you--Sweet Potato Porridge. Cinnamon, vanilla, coconut flavors the sweet potato base, making this a perfect breakfast, especially if you lean paleo.