AT 2024, Day 7: Oh, God...So Many Miles!
Day 7, Sunday, 5.6.2024
Start: M. 571.5, Burke's Garden Hostel
End: M. 590.8, Stealth Site on the side of the trail
Miles Hiked: 19.3 (Oh, God)
Total Miles: 88.4
Elevation Gain: 3,946 feet
After waffles and bad coffee at Burke’s Garden Hostel, the hostel maven gave two of us a ride back up the very gnarly road to the trail. Badger, who I met several days ago, was several miles ahead of me, so he got a ride back to his private trail head. I thought he was with Shepherd’s group, but, in fact, like me, he is just doing his own thing, hiking his own hike.
One thing I love about hiking long trails is the potential for crossing paths with other hikers I meet along the way. Most I never see again. But others pop up in random places, either on the same trail during the same hike. Or out of the blue in another state, on a different trail, years later, even. Those encounters make me so happy and love the trail community even more.
I’d be happy to run into Badger again. Or any of the Flock.
Best not to expect it, though. Best just to see what happens.
The Appalachian Trail dished out some classics today.
Fun, scrambly navigation through some big and squeezy rock formations.
Heavy rain with thunder, which I hiked through under the cover of my beloved, duct-taped umbrella living its best life, but unlikely to make it through another season.
A dozen red efts on the trail after the thunderstorm. I moved every one I saw so they didn’t get squished by hikers. So far, no one has caught me talking to them, telling them to be safe out here.
More wildlife sliding down the trail.
I had no intention of hiking 19.3 miles today. But I ran into Shepherd & co at lunch time and they were aiming for the exact tent site I had in mind, which would have been a tight squeeze for all of them.
So I pushed on to another supposed site with a view. But it was already occupied by three hikers from Colorado. They graciously invited me to join them, but fog obscured the view and the only flat spot left was rocky and, well, I like camping alone.
So I pushed on. And on and on and on. I finally found a good enough spot right beside the trail. I tried to ignore the two dead trees on either side of my tent. It was a long three-advil day and tonight I’d be making old lady noises.
But by the time I stopped, the fog and mist from the day’s storm had cleared and I had a lovely sunset through the trees.
Birds heard or seen on the trail today:
Wood thrush
Rose Breasted Grosbeak
Black & White Warblers
Hooded Warbler
Red-Eyed Vireo
Scarlet Tanager
Chestnut Sided Warbler
Tennessee Warbler