Hey, Y’all.

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Expect reflections on long distance hiking, hiking culture, nature, creativity and my undying love for backrests.

BMT Day 12: BMTA Secret Mission Revealed

He never moved.

Day 12, Sunday, Aug 2, 2020

Sandy Gap to Stealth Site on Brookshire Creek

Mile 148.3

Day of:

  • Thrashing through endless thickets of brambles leaving my bare legs bleeding and inflamed.

  • Snakes. Lots. Mostly garter snakes. But one strange copperhead who had his head stuck up in the air and never moved as I sidled by on the other side of the trail.

  • My water bag is about to split…will it make it through tomorrow?

  • Passing the halfway mark.

  • Going on 48 hours without seeing another human being.

I’ve decided the Benton MacKaye Trail Association has a secret mission:

  • To keep the trail unapologetically, militantly uncomfortable. No shelters. No bridges. No weed whackers. Can you take it?

  • To delay fun and gratification as long as possible, preferably until the hiker is finished, home, showered, dry, and the bleeding has stopped.

  • To string hikers along with the smallest of pleasures, with no promise of anything epic except being able to say, in the end, “I didn’t quit.”

BMT Day 13: Hiker Trash

BMT Day 11: Don't Quit on a Long Day full of Brambles