Day 20. Monday, August 10, 2020
Start: Fontana Dam
End: Home
If it were just the rain and being wet ALL THE TIME, I could deal.
If it were just the bushwhacking through brambles, I could deal.
If it were just the three different varieties of blood-thirsty bugs, I could deal.
But it’s not just the one. It’s all three sucky things. ALL. THE. TIME.
So when I woke up this morning to a steady rain, I remembered the first rule of long distance hiking—Hike Your Own Hike. And I realized I could just wait.
Wait for the rains to stop.
Wait for the bugs to die.
Wait for the brambles to freeze.
I realized I could wait till conditions changed into something more conducive to fun.
So I said, “Fuck it. Let’s go home.”
My hike. My way. So, there.
See you in the fall, y’all!