Hey, Y’all.

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Expect reflections on long distance hiking, hiking culture, nature, creativity and my undying love for backrests.

BMT Day 23: It's Raining Inside My Tent

The story of my day.

Day 23, Thursday, September 24, 2020

Jerry Flats to Newton Bald

Mile 253.1

Miles Hiked: 14.7

Started raining at 11 last night, a steady pour. It eased up a little this morning—enough to pack up and hike out and think I might keep my feet dry in spite of the six bridgeless river crossings that made today exceptionally fun.

Decisions, Decisions

I tossed and turned all night wondering if I’d try to keep my feet dry by wading in barefoot or if I’d just plunge in fully shod and put up with wet shoes for the next four days. The worst thing about wet shoes is getting up in the night to pee and having to slip your bare feet into a sodden hole.

I decided to take my chances with the rain and take off my shoes for the river crossings.

Turns out, that wasn’t necessary.

After five fords and one humiliating butt scoot across a big, wet log, the rain returned, the umbrella went up, I put my head down and hiked 14.7 miles with only one short stop for five minutes to eat a bar and sit on another wet log.

Another Decision

I believe that being miserable is a choice. And I’m pretty good about choosing something else.

Even today—day of non-stop rain, multiple blow-downs to navigate, mild hypothermia and condensation so thick in my tent that it was raining both inside and out—I mostly chose to laugh at the Hiking Gods trying so hard to break me.

And I’ll admit…there were some words. Or, rather, variations on one particular “F” word.

But there were good things, too.

There are always good things, even on the worst days.

I saw an owl lift silently off from the trail first thing this morning.

I discovered a way to turn my umbrella into a vestibule.

I put on dry socks.

I climbed 4,000 feet and I barely noticed it (other things to think about, apparently).

Best of all, I called my honey and he is coming to meet me tomorrow at Smokemont Campground.

He’s bringing the van, aka the “Mobile Motel.”

I’m already googling “laundromat” in Cherokee. And checking Yelp for “burgers and onion rings.”

Life is, indeed, good.

And then there was this beautiful giant.

BMT Day 24: Unscheduled Pit Stop

BMT Day 22: Day of Creepy Tunnel