Dogma Phobia
I’ve started 2018 with a commitment to write every day, sketch every day and share something of the creative process every day. (Is it cheating if I was doing those things already?)
Cheating or not, I’m sensing a theme in my daily scribbles.
I’m a spiritual apologist.
One minute I'm overcome with epiphanies and new gleanings and excited to share details of this spiritual journey called life.
The next I cringe at the thought of sharing those details because I’m uncomfortable talking about God and prayer and forgiveness and gratitude.
Call it dogma phobia.
Yet, I’m compelled to share, in spite of feeling like a fraud. Compelled by that very spark known as the Divine that often pushes me into uncomfortable situations just to see what lessons can be learned.
I tell myself I have no authority in the realm of spirituality. I'm no Marianne Williamson or Pema Chodron or Neale Donald Walsch.
Then Spirit reminds me—I’m no Marianne Williamson or Pema Chodron or Neale Donald Walsch.
This is good news!
My spiritual authority, and yours, comes from being a unique spark of light present in this moment at this time.
We may be all one, but each one of us is the author of our own spiritual path. Each one of us is our own authority because of that Divine spark that animates us all.
My gifts and inclinations and leanings and desires, like yours, are my guides to what I came here to learn, do and experience. Following those, I am my own authority on my own unique spiritual journey.
Who needs permission to know God?
P.S. One thing I rely on to help me step into those uncomfortable situations that the Divine endlessly delights in pushing me into is my essential oil collection.
I diffuse and slather on Frankincense, Valor, and Fulfill Your Destiny on a regular basis when I'm being called to expand my comfort zone, be it in a physical realm, mental, emotional or spiritual. I get a lot of help from those little bottles.
If you're curious to know more, get started here. And feel free to reach out if you have questions. I'd love to show you the awesomeness of oils!