“As you start traveling down that road of life, remember this: there are never enough comfort stops. The places you’re going are never on the map, and once you get that map out, you won’t be able to re-fold it no matter how smart you are. So forget the map, roll down the windows, and whenever you can, pull over and have a picnic.”
This is a nut and bolts post about something that's been keeping me up at night--how will I update my blog, finish my sketching courses and get my Shameless fix while I'm living in my van?
Other than blow my paycheck on table rental at Starbucks or burn through all my cell data, I mean?
Here's a preliminary list of possibilities with some other resources to try as needed.
Where to find free Wi-Fi as a Van Dweller:
Coffee shops and cafes--local joints as well as Panera Bread, Dunkin' Donuts and, of course, Starbucks. Table rental starts at about $4, but includes a latte. And unlimited bathroom breaks.
McDonalds. Table rental and charging stations are cheaper. But what you gain in economy, you sacrifice in comfort and ambiance. I'm not a fan of McDonald's, but 2017 thru-hiker Clunk was infamous for charging gadgets and sucking up McD's wifi along the trail without so much as purchasing a $1 cup of swill. Not saying it's cool. Just sayin' it's been done.
Library. Stay all day, it's free, comfy and you can catch up on reading People magazine and Rolling Stone. What's not to like? Oh, and it's usually quiet, so a good place to actually get work done if you're easily distracted by people watching.
Book Stores. Notably, Barnes & Noble. Is it wrong that I just want to use corporate facilities without shopping at them? I figure they can afford to supplement my Netflix fixes with their giant tax breaks.
Whole Foods. I know! I love stopping at Whole Foods when I'm on the road. I know what to expect from the hot bar and now they offer Wi Fi. Top Ten! Plus, some things are cheaper there even though they're known as Whole Paycheck market.
Gyms. Lots of gyms are starting to offer wifi so you can stream Pandora while logging miles on the elliptical. Some even have places you can sit and work after a workout. This will be a factor when I get to my PT job in South Carolina and I'm deciding which gym(s) to join. Cozy wi-fi, sauna, clean showers. Oh yeah, and exercise stuff. In that order.
Hospitals. Hospitals freak me out; there are sick people in there! But there's also decent food (usually), wi-fi (increasingly) and opportunities for hassle free stealth parking. I've even seen Starbucks set up on hospital campuses, so it may be worth the risk of hob-nobbing with all those infectious peeps.
More Resources
This article at Life Hacker has lots of links to apps that help you find hotspots. Comments were helpful, too. Example: the great state of Texas offers free WiFi at all of its rest areas. And rattlesnakes.
For tips on keeping your info safe and secret while on public wi-fi, scroll to the bottom of this article on The Simple Dollar (new favorite website, BTW).
I'm curious...where do you sidle up to a free hot spot when you're on the road or on the trail? Leave a comment and share your tips. Van dwellers will be forever grateful!