Hey, Y’all.

Welcome to my blog.

Expect reflections on long distance hiking, hiking culture, nature, creativity and my undying love for backrests.

Look Busy. Jesus is Coming.

I was told to challenge every spiritual teacher, every world leader to utter the one sentence that no religion, no political party, and no nation on the face of the earth will dare utter: ‘Ours is not a better way, ours is merely another way.’
— Neale Donald Walsch

Claiming my spiritual inclinations

I’m over it.

I’m tired of dancing around the subject of God and prayer.  I’ve worked my way up to claiming my spiritual inclinations out loud, but I’ve avoided talking about God and prayer because they just sound so Jesus-y.  So Christian.  I’m not a Christian.  The dogma just doesn’t do it for me.  

Not that there’s anything wrong with Jesus.  He was a highly evolved spiritual being (in a human body) with a great message about love.  

But Jesus doesn’t own the idea of access to the Divine while walking around on this planet in leather sandals, being human as well as Divine.

We all have that potential and we need to get busy embodying it.

Not just look busy.

It’s time for each of us to start claiming and channeling our own little spark of Divinity.  Putting that love into practice rather than just acting like we do.  That spark came from the same place as the spark in Jesus.  He did what He came here to do.  Which is different from what I came here to do.  And from what you came here to do.

God needs us to do what we came here to do.  We need to follow our own inner compass to know what that is and to dive in with gusto for our own growth and spiritual evolution.

My mission looks different from Jesus’ mission, which looks different from Gandhi’s mission, which looks different from the mission of every other person walking around in whatever footwear at this moment on this planet.

It’s recently come to my attention that I’m here to talk about this stuff and to do it as the rebellious, rule-eschewing person I am.  

I don’t do Jesus dogma.  But I do God.  And Spirit.  And the Divine.  And my Inner Guide.  And prayer and faith and intuition.

Call it what works for you, because if it's your truth, the paths will all lead to the same place...love.

I’m not planning a huge proselytization campaign. 

I just believe that if more of us learn how to access the Divine, to have faith in its guidance, in our own inner compass, that we’ll be led toward the truth of who we are.  Which is, I think, what Jesus was trying to teach his followers.  That we are love.

Understanding that, however we get there, will change the world.  Maybe even save it and polar bears, too.

It seems like time is of the essence, though. 

So even though I’m just starting to truly have faith that I’m a spiritual being having a human experience and that I’m here to learn how to be love (I’m so not there, yet, but nevertheless, I persist in the journey), I’m feeling compelled to share that message and some of the steps that brought me closer to understanding. 

Because the more voices that rise up in love, the better chance we have of surviving this mess that fear has made of the world right now.

So, to paraphrase a favorite bumper sticker…get busy (getting to know your Divine spark).  Jesus is coming.

P.S.  Thru-hiking played a huge role in this new willingness to put myself out there as a voice for the Divine because the very act of walking for hours each day allowed me to turn off the fearful voices in my head so that I could actually start to hear what God wanted for me.  More on that in days to come.

P.P.S.  I'm refining this message in real time...learning to live it as I learn to express it, so forgive any clumsiness or thoughts that are still evolving.  If you're curious about this idea that our job as humans is to embody the Divine, here are some resources that have inspired and awakened me over the years.

Full disclosure, when you click through a link on this page and make a purchase through that link, I get a tiny kickback.  It's one of the things that allows me to keep this blog going.  Because it helps pay for all the coffee I drink while I write.  So, thanks for contributing to my coffee jones!

This Sounds Crazy, Even to Me

Action Begets Clarity