My husband has a collection of skulls he scavenged from dead things he finds on the highway. I prefer not to be there when he power slides the car into the breakdown lane to pick up a rotting owl carcass, though I've been known to do it, too.
I've been sketching mostly for a Sketching Now online class I'm taking called Foundations. It's a great class, but I feel like I've taken a giant step backward in my sketching for the past couple of weeks. Back to blind contour drawings and practicing eye-hand coordination. Good skills to practice and hone, but the results are not pretty.
So I took a break from drawing shadow shapes and studied this deer skull my husband loaned me from his collection. Reverting to my usual scribbly style with the watercolor flying outside the lines as it does.
In other news, I'm deep into research on Sprinter Van conversion. I must have a dozen windows open on my screen, two books ordered and the number of someone who can help us with the electrical puzzle. Flashbacks to physics class where electricity was and still is a mystery that can kill you. I'm thinking...find a professional.