Hey, Y’all.

Welcome to my blog.

Expect reflections on long distance hiking, hiking culture, nature, creativity and my undying love for backrests.

What if There's No Cello Between Your Legs?

Creativity is a fact of your spiritual body and nothing that you must invent. 
— Julia Cameron

I've been inspired to explore creativity, lately.  I've discovered that curiosity is a gateway to creativity, as is simplicity.

So what? 

Why should I care about creativity?  Especially if I don't feel I have any particular gift for creativity?   Or if I'm just trying to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing with my life?

YoYo Ma said, “Passion is one great force that unleashes creativity.”   But YoYo Ma was probably born with a cello between his legs.  

I've spent a lifetime trying to figure out what I was really passionate about and denying the things that truly made my heart go pitter-patter.

Being blinded by lightbulbs lately

Only recently I’ve noticed a significant uptick in my own creative impulses.  Lately I’d rather sketch than eat.  Writing this blog doesn’t exhaust ideas of what I want to explore, like I thought it would; rather, the more I publish, the more ideas I have for future posts.  And every time I hit the trail, long or short, I bring my tiny notebook and a pen because I’m constantly blinded by the flashing lightbulbs and dazzling ah-has I get as I walk.  (Hiking is a lush creative greenhouse, too, BTW.)

The secret sauce

Creativity is the secret sauce that tells me I’m moving in the right direction, doing what I’m meant to be doing.  I don't have to worry about finding my passion.  I just follow my creative impulses and they point the way toward my passion.  

When I’m feeling creative, I know I’m on the right path, getting close to my passion, doing what I came here to do.  In that sense, it pays to continue to cultivate my creativity.  It's bringing me closer to my Self.

Feeding the Flame At Last

Simplicity, Too, is a Gateway to Creativity